Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is a process in which recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology is used to introduce desirable traits into organisms. While conventional breeding methods have long been used to produce more desirable traits in animals, genetic engineering is a much more targeted and powerful method of introducing desirable traits into animals.There are many methods used by genetic engineers, but they usually fall under on of three categories;
2. The Vector Method:
Similar from Plasmid method. Only major difference is that portions of the viral DNA must be removed first or the organism being re-engineered would become ill. Removal of lage portions of DNA alllow more "space" to insert new genes.
The viral DNA is cut and vectors of viruses are inserted directly into the genome of the host cell with the same enzyme. Two DNA sequences combine and those that do so successfully are separated. The viral Vector starts replicating itself using the genetic material of the host cell. The altered virus infects the target cells, inserting its genome into the genome of the host cell and begin to express the new sequence.

The Plasmid Method:
Most commonly used method of altering genes in microorganisms.
Bacterial genetic variations take place during this method.
Plasmid is a small piece of DNA molecule. It is inserted into a container with restriction enzymes that cut the plasmid into small pieces. The smaller pieces of plasmid are then inserted into bacteria depending on which sticky ends are produced. The sticky ends allow complementary DNA sequence to come together to create a ring of DNA molecule. Other enzymes are used to make the DNA rings more stable. A culture of live bacteria is prepared in the same container. The plasmids enter the bacterial cell and start to express themselves. During this process, the plasmids are able to synthesize new proteins or antibiotic resistant genes. The new genes help distinguish between plasmid bacteria and non plasmid bacteria.

3. The Biolistic Method
Also called Gene Shooting Method or Gene Gun Method.
Used to make the Glittering Gold Seahorses.
Different from Plasmid and Vector methods.
Mostly used in plants.
Small pieces of metal (usually tungsten, gold for the seahorses) are coated with desireable DNA and are shot at the host cell. The cells that take up the new DNA are then allowed to grow in desired organism.

Further Explanations:
Genetic Engineering
Biolistic Method
Gene Gun
Plasmids and Vector Plasmids